clear aligners

Clear aligners

Everybody wants a great smile, but a lot of us need help getting there. More and more people are having success with clear orthodontic devices called aligners.

Invisalign is the largest producer of clear aligners, but it’s not the only brand. Others include Clear Smile & Clear Correct.

Rather than being cemented or bonded to the teeth as metal or clear braces are, clear aligners are completely removable. Aligners made from a clear plastic or acrylic material and fit tightly over the teeth, but can be removed for eating, brushing, and flossing. You’ll get a new aligner every few weeks to continue moving the teeth into the desired position.

Because the invisible aligners are custom-built for a tight fit, they are best for adults or teens. We at Mediatrix are treating many professionals (Teachers, Bankers) who previously did not consider orthodontic treatment because of the appearance of a traditional brace. Now with Clear Aligners, they can have the great smile they always wanted.

Treatment time with invisible teeth aligners is based on how much the teeth need to be moved or rotated. The more your bite is off or the more crooked your teeth, the longer it will take. Treatment usually takes between 10 and 24 months. But if you’re an adult who had braces as a child, and your teeth shifted slightly over the years, you may need invisible teeth aligners for as little as 10 weeks.


Clinic Opening Hours

  • Monday - Friday 08:00AM - 07:00PM
  • Saturday 08:00AM - 04:00PM
  • Sunday / Holidays Closed